Earth Day Made Easy
Holly Hack 5 years ago

Earth Day Made Easy


Spring has arrived, and with it, the melting snow is giving way to a greener world.  The brighter days have brought with them thoughts of how we can make the world around as healthy and beautiful as possible.  Given the fast-paced nature of  so many of our lives, however, we wanted to provide you with a few simple suggestions to make the planet look its best.


Embrace “e” options:

Send e-invitations for your summer party, pay your bills online, and reduce paper junk mail...
Reading Road Trip
Holly Hack 5 years ago

Reading Road Trip

Dr. Seuss once famously said, ““The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”  In celebration of his March 2nd birthday, as well as National Reading month, we thought we would take you on a journey through our list of ideas to encourage your family to read more.

First, as adults, it’s important that you understand the benefits, not only to your children, but to you, as well.  Studies have proven that reading can...
Cold Weather Crackdown
Holly Hack 5 years ago

Cold-weather Crackdown

While slow to arrive, Winter has made its presence felt the past few days with daily school closings and Facebook memes indicating that “Michigan is closed until further notice.”  With the onset of  bone-chilling cold, we thought we might take this month’s newsletter to suggest some ways to combat “Old Man Winter.”

Home  There are a few areas of your home (beyond the usually suggested topics of heat tape, gutters, and furnace filters) that you may have overlooked when prep...
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